My husband and I have a ritual of praying and meditating every night before, after, or in between my trash TV watching (Yes, I confess to being the absolute worst). His prayers are usually directed to “Our Father, God”, while mine are directed to the genderless universe.  I do admit, however, to celebrating Gabby Bernstein’s feminine reference of the universe and  to loving and appreciating Alanis Morisette’s role of God in the movie, Dogma. All in all, though, it really doesn’t matter to either of us. There is no battle for any ultimate truth or reality as we both recognize there is none. There is only acceptance and respect for what resonates within each of us personally, despite our seeming differences.

We only wish our microcosm could extend into the outer world…a genderless, non-dogmatic, accepting world where everyone can be free to be and believe what feels right to him/her/they personally. If it is not hurting you or others, what difference does it make?  Jesus did not even draw the line at this point where most of us ordinary humans do. He ultimately chose to love and forgive even those who wrongly persecuted him in the evilest of ways. Although this is largely beyond our human capacity, we can, at the very least, let people live in alignment with their own inner compass of what feels right to them when it is not hurting us or others. If it is allowing them to be the fullest and greatest expression of themselves for the ultimate benefit of all others, why would we choose to stifle or persecute that? That would only be in service of our own ego and misguided sense that we somehow know better. We don’t. Perhaps, the “better”/truth/reality is to understand we are all unique (like snowflakes), and our purpose is to see the true beauty in that uniqueness.