My Golden OCD Rule

My Golden OCD Rule

Regardless of the specific symptom(s) you may be struggling with, OCD always comes down to tolerating uncertainty. Certainty drives the urge to engage in all compulsions…certainty that your hands are perfectly clean, certainty that you did not hit someone with your...
Just Do What Works…

Just Do What Works…

I love to identify what I call life-isms, super simple but incredibly wise tidbits of advice on life. Many years ago, a Pastor and treasured friend offered one of my favorites. This life-ism is sort of the Mac Daddy of life-isms because it basically sums up the secret...
Living Life Inside Out

Living Life Inside Out

After some significant challenges (that is putting it mildly) over this past year, I was able to take a serious look at certain things that were clearly not working for me and courageously step into what felt like the fire (and sometimes still does) and try something...